Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Are you still following me?
Turn here.......
Now here........
Keep going.......
Take a left......
lost you.......j/k!
I'm still here.
p.s. Follow me on my NEW blog will ya? ;-)
Friday, January 8, 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
E.A.D. "Traditions" Blog Hop

This is my first blog post coming from my new address. We've found a new place to call "home" and although we are miles away from our old duty station at Fort Lee, Virginia I am pretty sure that Fort Hood, Texas will be a "good change" for us. I like change. doesn't neccessarily go hand in hand with the Blog Hop theme this month which is "Traditions." However, I think it gives it a nice little spin. Traditions seem to keep us connected with our past but where would we be without change? Now there's something to ponder.
Here's something you don't need to think too much about......
E.A.D. Designs is hosting it's Blog Hop TODAY - Tuesday, December 15, 2009. A $10 Gift Certificate to the E.A.D. Designs website store is going up for grabs to 1 LUCKY WINNER. Just join the hop and visit the DT's blogs and leave us all some love. Then play the waiting game and see if your picked to be the winner. It's that easy!
Now, speaking of change.....some of you may already know that I am planning to switch my blog over to Please follow me there as I will be pushing to get it switched for the New Year. Thanks!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Mission 0004
Here's what I created for's actually a scraplift I did from a layout I seen in a magazine.

Tomorrow the movers come to pack us up and my internet and cable is getting shut off. I'll be at my new address in Texas around December 8th and should have my internet back up shortly after. If I come across any computers along the way I'll try to check in. Hope you all have fun without me! LOL
Oh! I can't forget to tell you all about the newest Design Team Calls over at Candy Shoppe Designs and Envious. Check them out! Also, Candy Shoppe Designs has a really cool challenge going on right now called The BOLD & The Beautiful and the Blog Candy is a Vintage/Retro Styled Apron from Boojiboo! Too cool to pass up you all!
Please remember to start following me over at the blog I'm changing over to.....
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I've gotta feeling....
Tonight's the head on over to The Pink Ninjas challenge blog. The newest prompt is "What 2009 song are you?" As much as my 2 year old begs to watch "everybody dance?!" (that's in her own words) I must say that the song lyrics are catchy and the music is so upbeat that it possibly could be my song of the year.
What is my 2 year old referring to when she says "everybody dance?!" Well looky here....
It's one of the coolest things ever!
This particular night, I was working late and made last minute plans with a co-worker to go out. It was out of the ordinary for me to go out during the work week but I was determined to have a good night out with the turned out to be more than just a good turned out to be the night I would meet my husband.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009
Mission 0003

1. Use this sketch.
2. Use lyrics from the song by Kelly Clarkson "My life would suck without you!"
3. Use pink.
4. Use buttons.
5. Use transparency.
Here are close-up shots.... This layout is of my mother from back in the day (as you can clearly tell). I chose to do my layout on her opposed to my dear husband or children because my mother is my bestfriend. I seriously think that as much as we butt heads sometimes that my life would truly suck without her in it. Although we live miles apart (her in Hawaii and me in Virginia) she's always there when I need some adult conversation and she's helped me out in more ways than one. I know I can always count on her and I can't even imagine my life without her. This happens to be the very first layout I ever did of her. I'm happy I was inspired to create this because of the challenge at Mission Create. It makes me realize how much I truly appreciate her.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
What's my age again?
Okay, so seriously....I'm in my late 20's (and always will be)....However, ever since I hit my mid-20's I somehow kept forgetting how old I was. For years I kept thinking I was 26 until one day someone ran the numbers and I was told otherwise. hehehe
I don't forget my birthDAY because I share the same day as my father-June 8. Yes folks, this would be the day you can all go shopping for mua. hehehe
So, here's my layout for the challenge....

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Fort Hood, Texas
Despite that crazy news it also happens to be my hubby's birthday today and with all that has happened I am just thankful that he's home and safe. I went on and custom made him a Dallas Cowboys shirt. He's been saying how much he's wanted one after he seen the commercial for them.
I also reflected upon "us" in some recent scrapbooking layouts that I did recently. I can share one with you today. It says: "....February, March, April, May....Baby I love you more & more each and everyday."

Supplies Used- Cardstock: Bazzill Basics; Patterned Paper: 7Gypsies, Scenic Route; Flowers: Prima Marketing Inc.; Embellishments: 7Gypsies; RubOn: E.A.D. Designs Vinyl Art; Alphas: American Crafts Thickers.Hope you all stay safe this evening. God Bless you! Keep these people in your prayers today.
Monday, November 2, 2009
E.A.D. Designs
It's November and soon we'll be moving to Texas....just a few more weeks now. I seriously can't wait....if I could, I would move tomorrow. :)
I have a few announcements to make....
1) I made it on the Design Team over at E.A.D. Designs. If you need any vinyl lettering, vinyl wall art for your home or vinyl rub-ons, E.A.D. Designs is the place to go. Vinyl can be used on many different surfaces and in many different ways. I challenge you to come up with clever ways to use this product. Go on over and check out what E.A.D. Designs has in store or make a custom order. I'd love to see what you can do with it.

Here's the bottom frame piece that says "Hello." The flourish piece under the word "Hello" is also included on the 13x7.5 sheet of vinyl rub-ons that you get. Cool ha?

I encourage you to check them out. You'll love what you find and I bet you'll think of SO much that you can do with this stuff!

2) Halloween was a couple of nights ago and I hope you all had a haunting good time. I'm still playing with my pictures that I took from that night but I have one I can share with you all for now. My 10 year old daughter was a Geisha or China Doll and I took great pride in the make-up work I did on her. I painted her face white, put bright red lipstick on the center of her lips and made the edges white to blend in with her facial. I made blush circles on her cheeks and played out the eyeliner that slanted across the sides of her eyes. It got dark fast so it was kind of a waste but I made sure to take her out early to get some shots of her before we left to go trick-or-treating. This picture is a poor representation of what I did on her face but I loved her posture in this photo so much. :)

3) The newest challenge over at Candy Shoppe Designs right now is BIG EGO'S and you are asked to use little icons that you like or ones that describe you in your paper creations. It was SO much fun to do, you have got to try this! The due date isn't till 11/11 so you have lots of time but make sure you link them up soon so the Lollipop Girls don't forget to consider it when they start voting. The blog candy is being donated by Memorable Seasons and is this Tinkering Ink Kit.

5) I am in the process of giving my blog a revamped look....also changing it over to Desperate Army Housewife too! Please continue following me there as I slowly but surely move everything over. Thanks ladies!

To ALL My Followers....
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Scrap it and submit it over at The Pink Ninjas blog. The #22 Prompt is Costumes. Here's what I created:

Monday, October 26, 2009
Blue Moon Scrapbooking

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Skin Marks
Got a tat you wanna show off? Maybe a beauty mark? or scar? Scrap it and come on over to The Pink Ninjas to show it off!
I SO wanted to scrap my name that's tattoed on my husbands arm but something ended up being wrong with my printer when my computer was acting I just scrapped the pic. of when I got my 2nd tattoo back in the day. It's a tigers face inside of the butterfly wings. Can you see it?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Mission 0002 and if you were a cartoon character....

Friday, October 9, 2009
"Don't make me go all Ninja on you!"

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Scrapbooking Supplies R Us Surprise Giveaway

Monday, October 5, 2009
Mission 001
Here's my take to their first Challenge. I used all the concepts given by the Creative Team. My title is 6 WORDS "Duty to God and my country." I used a GLITTER brad (the yellow one in-between the word "Duty"). I followed their SKETCH....

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Fashionably Geek!

Saturday, October 3, 2009
THINK PINK and Save the Ta-tas!

Candy Shoppe Designs is hosting a THINK PINK Challenge right now and all you are required to do is create a Paper Creation (it can be a card, a layout, etc.) using pink ribbon. Past creations are acceptable too. It doesn't have to be new.
If the Lollipop Girls like your Paper Creation the best out of all the entries you WIN this Blog Candy from Precocious Paper. Due Date for entries is 19 October so you have lots of time to participate.

Here's my PINK RIBBON layout. This is Eva modeling her Matryoshka Skirt from Wild Olive Kids.