1. Follow my blog.
2. Then, post a link to my blog on yours and leave me a comment with a link to your blog.
For an even better chance at winning visit http://ifitsgroovy.blogspot.com and join the challenge this month.
I like the idea of picking the winner on Easter Sunday but that would only allow a couple days for this to go on so I'm going to end it on April 20th instead. I'll be putting all of your names who have successfully completed the steps above in leftover plastic eggs from Easter and I'll have my daughter pick one randomly. If you participated in the IF IT'S GROOVY Challenge this month I will enter your name twice. Good Luck & Happy Easter!
UPDATE: I'm going to extend this Blog Candy for 1 more week. The winner will be announced next Monday on the 27th. The winner will then have 3 days to contact me with her mailing info. for me to get her package out to her.
Dont enter me...just wanted to say WOOOHOOO and I will send folks your way!!
I will send folks your way too!
Hi..I am a friend of Lissa's. ;) http://kryptonite72-rambles.blogspot.com/
HI.. I am a friend of Lissa's.
I am a friend of Lissa's also! *L*
Hi I got here because I saw your gallery en sb.com beutiful by the way...thanks for chance to win yummy candy I put a link ans pic in my blog
Hi is me again ( for the secont chance to win your candy), I check "If It's groovy" blog and I like the challenge so i did and LO yo can see in my blog.
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