We've all had tough times and know first hand that the greatest feeling is when some of the weight has been lifted off your shoulders by someone you would more than likely call an Angel. I'm asking you all to please be an Angel today and lend a helping hand to my dear friend and Sketch Designer of C.S.D., Anam Stubbington. Although you may not know Anam in person I'm sure that you will feel a great deal of satisfaction being able to help someone out in their desperate time of need. Please visit her HERE to read about the situation her and her family are going through right now and try to imagine if it were you and yours. Prayers are nice but financial help is also asked upon as well. Anam is a VERY talented individual in many different areas and she's got a lot of support from other talents as well backing her up with this situation. Please check out her blog to see the many different Auctions going on for her right now and find more ways than 1 where you can help her at this time. Cut back on a couple of things that you don't neccessarily NEED in life and instead donate the money and/or bid on an auction or except a service from Anam herself in turn for your help to make it work for you too. Her family needs this right now and they can't do it on their own. Please help!
Hi Lynnette!
I came across your site whilst blog hopping........as you do!!
I love your talent and creativity..
I run two challenge blog sites that you may be interested in taking a look at:
Artastic = http://artasticchallengeblog.blogspot.com/
From Screen 2 Scrap = http://screen2scrap.blogspot.com/
So if you get bored or your mojo goes into hiding you might like to have a go at one of the monthly challenges or just become a follower to keep up with updates.
Take care
P.S I am to read about Anam's plight.
I just went over there and donated a bit. Not much, bur still a student! Every little helps!!! :)
Lots of love!
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