Emily gave me this Lovely Blog Award and I am just so greatful. Thank you so much!
There are just 2 Simple Rules for this Award:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you have newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
I will be giving this award to:
1) Lisa from Takin' Life One Day At A Time
2) Dena from Whole Lotta Sassy
3) Marlene from My Spot Of Sunshine
4) Genie from Genie In A Blogger
5) Joanie from Full Of Bolognie!
6) Karen from Butterfly Crafts
7) Deb from If It's Groovy
8) Jenny from Scrap Happy Mama
10) Liz from Welcome To The Scrappiest
11) Jocelyn from Simply Me
12) Tracie from Pink Angel
13) Debbie from Passion For Crafts
14) Wendy from Paper Therapy
15) Melissa from Creating From The Heart
The list is in no particular order!
Thank you again!
p.s. See my post below to get some free goodies from me.
Oh Lynnette thank you for this honor!!!! You are such a wonderful person and I just adore your Blog!!!! Have a wonderful day, sweet friend! :)
Thank you so much Lynnette for this award! I appreciate it very much!! Your blog is lovely too! ;)
Melissa ♥
Awwwwwww....thanks Lynnette! Your blog and scrappin talent rocks also! Have a wonderful day...you sure made my day!
Thanks Lynnette! You rock!!
Thank you so much Lynette! It is such a shock and a honor when you get such a sweet award like this. You made my day!!!
Ooh! THANKS, Lynnette! I've been SOOOO busy that I haven't even checked my blog in weeks! EEK!!! I will come back and follow the directions here later! Thanks again! Love ya! :)
Hi Lynette! I just realize I have yet to thank you for this awesome award. I have not idea what has happened to me over the last few days. While on vacation, I had no internet access. Because of that, I got behind with my blog visits and it seems a few posts fell through the cracks. I apologize for the delay, but please know I am ever so grateful.
I have been dropping by your new site. I am so excited for you and I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us. I am working desparately at playing catch up from vacation and I'm hoping to submit some layouts for your DT call. I think working with you would be a blast! I will get busy tomorrow and cross my fingers! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
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